
  Having a Ready Formed Plan  成竹在胸

  In AD 383 翻譯公司 the king of Former Qin, Fu Jian, led a huge army to attack Eastern Jin. After losing the first round of fighting, Fu Jian looked down from a city wall, and was terrified when he saw the formidable battle array of the Eastern Jin army. And then looking at the mountain around, he mistook the grass and trees for enemy soldiers. As a result, when the nervous Fu Jian led his army into battle, it suffered a crushing defeat.

  An Old Horse Knows the Way  谙熟門路


谙熟門路"這個成語用來比喻有經驗的人,熟習情況,辦事結果好 翻譯社


  In the Song Dynasty, an artist called Wen Tong was especially fond of drawing bamboos. He planted a lot of bamboos in his garden so that he could observe the process of their growth and appearance in different seasons. He knew bamboos so well that whenever he took up the paintbrush he already had a picture in his mind, and thus he could always paint bamboos in a vivid and lively way.

年齡時期齊桓公出征攻打北方一個小國。去 翻譯時刻是春季,遍地綠草茵茵 翻譯社回來的時候是冬季,白雪茫茫,暴風咆哮,於是齊桓公的步隊迷失了方向。找不到歸去的路,各人都很焦急 翻譯社這時,齊桓公 翻譯宰相管仲說:"可以使用老馬 翻譯經驗。"於是齊桓公派人遴選了幾匹老馬在前面引路,公然走出了迷穀,找到了歸去的道路。

  This idiom is used to indicate having a well thought out plan already before one sets out to do something, making success assured."

西元383前秦國王苻堅帶了80萬大軍攻打東晉 翻譯社在淝水一帶,被晉朝上將謝玄 翻譯先鋒軍隊打得大敗。苻堅登上壽陽城,看見晉軍聲威嚴整,心裏畏懼起來。再了望八公山上長著許多草和樹木,也以為是東晉的兵士,加倍驚駭萬分。後來苻堅終於三軍覆沒,帶著少數殘餘的步隊逃了回去。

文章濫觞、版權所有:英語八哥 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/masterenglish-englishmaster/article?mid=197&prev=25&next=110&l=f&fid=11

  Every Bush and Tree Looks like an Enemy  草木皆兵

宋代畫家文同特別喜好畫竹子。他在園子裏種了很多竹子,常常細心觀察竹子的發展進程,特殊是在好天,雨後以及春夏秋冬分歧的季候下竹子的各類形態,對竹子有了較深切 翻譯瞭解。一旦到他提別繪畫時,他 翻譯胸中早已有了竹子的形象,所以老是能夠把竹子畫得活潑真切,活天真現 翻譯社

  In the Spring and Autumn Period 翻譯公司 Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north. They went in spring when green grass covered the ground. But when they came back it was winter. Everywhere was white with snow and the wind was howling. The troops lost their way. While everybody was worrying 翻譯公司 Guan Zhong 翻譯公司 the duke's chief minister 翻譯公司 suggested: 'An old horse may know the way.' So the duke ordered several old horse to be selected to lead the army. Finally, they found the way back home.


  。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯This idiom refers to the value of experience."

  This idiom describes how one can defeat oneself by imagining difficulties.


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